Icon of a person touching their sore back

Therapy for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can have a profound impact on one's physical and emotional well-being, often affecting daily life and overall quality of life. Health challenges can range from ex-periencing the fear of movement (kinesiophobia), low-self esteem, challenges with body image and experiencing disconnection in the body due to discomfort or stiffness. We understand the complex nature of chronic pain and its effects on the body and mind. Through the power of movement and dance, we provide a multi-sensory approach to pain management and relief.

What can I expect during this session?

Helena is sensitive to working with people's mobility levels and tailors the session accord-ingly. Again, sessions will look different depending on the needs of the participants.

  • Guided body-scans focusing on the sensations, feelings and experiences within.
  • Breathwork to support the regulation of the nervous system.
  • Rhythm, breath and the use of metaphor and imagery in movement to support creative self-expression and promote body awareness.
  • Exploration of various movement qualities such as fast/slow in dance improvisation to support emotional expression of the mind/body.
  • Art materials and verbal processing to reflect on our experiences and integrate body intelligence.

Associated Benefits

This therapy helps clients obtain:

  • Pain Management: Offers strategies to manage chronic pain and improve coping.
  • Mobility and Flexibility: Gentle movement in sessions enhances mobility and flexibility.
  • Stress Reduction: Includes relaxation and mindfulness practices to reduce stress.
  • Emotional Release: Movement allows for expression and release of emotions tied to pain.
  • Body Awareness: Fosters understanding of body and pain triggers for informed self-care.
  • Quality of Life: Addresses physical, emotional, and social aspects to enhance well-being.